Only a few hours remain.

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How am I supposed to get any work done today knowing these Justin Timberlake tickets are just burning a hole in my purse? In honor of the once-in-a-lifetime experience I’m about to have tonight, I made a little Throwback Thursday collage of the beautiful Mr. Timberlake, when we were first introduced to him in his N’Sync days.

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Hopefully, he’ll rock some of those awesome purple shades or a Canadian tuxedo tonight. Hey, if Britney shows up, I’ll definitely shed some tears of joy and remembrance of the old days when Justin and Britney ruled the pop world (they still rule my pop world).

Well, that’s about it for this post. I just wanted to evoke some jealousy by letting everyone know I’ll be seeing JT tonight, as well as some laughter and nostalgia on the great pictures of Justin’s cornrows and denim cowboy hat. If I don’t die of happiness, I’ll let you know how it goes!

Oh, how time flies…

Doesn’t it? My criminology professor passed out our midterm paper assignment last week, due next week. A MIDTERM. I feel like we just started classes! But then again, the semester going by quickly is usually a good thing.

We have Fall Break this week, which should hardly be called a break because it’s only one day, and the one day that I have only one class. Regardless, I’m excited for my weekend ahead. I get to go home and see my family, see Taylor Swift on Saturday (yes, and I’m ecstatic) and I get to go out for a wonderful dinner with my boyfriend and family on Monday.

The thing I’m most excited about though (well, second to Taylor Swift ;)) is volunteering at the Association for Women in Communications’ national conference in Tulsa, Okla. I often feel like I’m still stuck in that place of not knowing exactly what I want to do when I graduate, so I’ve been trying to get more involved this semester with PRSSA, AWC, shadow days and now this conference. My volunteering efforts will be very simple; I believe I’ll be helping to set up a banquet room late Friday night for a session or meeting of some kind on Saturday morning. I then get to stay in the hotel, attend the chapter awards breakfast Saturday morning and attend a session of my choice. I’m still debating on a few, so hopefully whatever I decide will be entertaining and helpful.

I’m looking forward to getting to volunteer with others and do some networking with other women at the conference. Plus, I think it’s pretty awesome that the conference is in Oklahoma this year. We don’t get a lot of cool events coming in comparison to other states, so this is great for both Tulsa and the state as a whole. If anyone is interested in attending, I believe registration is open until the conference, which starts Friday, on AWC’s website.

Is anyone already planning to attend, as a volunteer or member of AWC? I’d love to talk about the conference with others who have attended in the past or plan on attending this year!